Methods for querying the data

Database-query operations are performed by invoking statements based on the SQLite syntax. There are several for options for retrieving data utilizing conditional arguments in this way.

Using the terminal command line

The sqlite3 engine provides a terminal-based front-end to the SQLite library able to evaluate queries interactively and display the corresponding results. In the following example, we query the atlas_baghdad_py3.db database via the sqlite "interpreter" to retrieve symbol, sample_composition, mass, and exposure_time for all entries in the sample table having an atomic number within the range 30≤Z≤40:

	user@machine:sql_codes$ sqlite3 atlas_baghdad_py3.db
	SQLite version 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03
	Enter ".help" for usage hints.
	sqlite> .header on
	sqlite> .mode column
	sqlite> SELECT symbol AS "chemical symbol", Z AS "atomic number",
	...> sample_composition AS "sample composition", mass AS "mass [g]", 
	...> exposure_time AS "exposure time [h]" 
	...> FROM sample
	...> WHERE Z >= 30 AND Z <=40;
	chemical symbol  atomic number  sample composition  mass [g]    exposure time [h]
	---------------  -------------  ------------------  ----------  -----------------
	Zn               30             Zn                  31.5        6.0              
	Ga               31             Ga                  15.5        23.0             
	Ge               32             Ge                  4.7         44.0             
	As               33             As                  22.1        21.0             
	Se               34             Se                  24.0        12.9             
	Br               35             BrInGlass           32.0        12.0             
	Rb               37             Rb2CO3              15.5        23.0             
	Sr               38             SrCO3               12.1        9.0              
	Y                39             Y_NO3_3_6H2O        28.9        22.0             
	Zr               40             ZrO2                42.0        16.1             

Note that a semicolon ";" is required to terminate a SQL statement. Alternatively, we can read a SQL script from a file. All SQL scripts are located inside the directory ~/BaghdadAtlas/sql_codes. To run a script from this directory, e.g., getNG_data.sql:

	user@machine:sql_codes$ sqlite3 -header -column atlas_baghdad_py3.db
	SQLite version 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03
	Enter ".help" for usage hints.
	sqlite> .read getNG_dataVarsErr.sql
	target      residual    sample       E [keV]     dE [keV]    BR          dBR        cross section [mb]  error cs [mb]  
	----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ------------------  ---------------
	Tb          NG          N           339.2       0.4         4.6         0.6         11.5179216          2.6995742943076
	Tb          NG          N           451.3       1.0         1.5         0.6         3.755844            1.6709112478099
	Tb          NG          N           596.4       0.6         4.2         0.8         10.5163632          2.8646636456178
	Ho          NG          N           136.0       0.3         11.0        3.0         99.66165            33.497335448877
	Ho          NG          N           181.3       0.2         2.9         0.3         26.274435           5.8333805440887
	Ho          NG          N           238.4       0.2         4.5         0.5         40.770675           9.2015212426340
	Ho          NG          N           289.0       0.0         3.9         0.7         35.334585           9.4023071572226
	Ho          NG          N           416.8       0.4         2.4         0.3         21.74436            5.0629891983245
	Ho          NG          N           426.4       0.0         3.5         0.5         31.710525           7.7023502986190
	Ho          NG          N           454.0       0.0         1.5         0.3         13.590225           3.8098750529416
	Ho          NG          N           543.6       0.2         6.2         0.4         56.17293            11.614694422055
	Tm          NG          N           236.4       0.3         30.0        4.0         17.79084            4.3047111227286
	Tm          NG          N           551.6       0.4         13.0        2.0         7.709364            1.9569727630378
	Tm          NG          N           562.3       0.4         82.0        10.0        48.628296           11.470510816151
	Tm          NG          N           570.3       0.4         64.0        8.0         37.953792           9.0129618405494
	Tm          NG          N           662.1       0.0         19.0        3.0         11.267532           2.8880661767418
	Tm          NG          N           679.8       0.0         18.0        2.0         10.674504           2.4600879940750
	Tm          NG          N           716.6       0.0         19.0        3.0         11.267532           2.8880661767418
	Re          NG          N           149.5       0.6         8.0         3.0         5.27136             2.2121829836647
	Re          NG          N           209.4       0.8         16.0        5.0         10.54272            3.8469576268090
	Re          NG          N           214.5       0.3         24.0        4.0         15.81408            3.9777343001945
	Re          NG          N           252.0       0.3         20.0        3.0         13.1784             3.1735097597455
	Re          NG          N           274.7       0.8         11.0        3.0         7.24812             2.4025120784553
	Re          NG          N           290.3       0.3         18.0        2.0         11.86056            2.5940711988409
	Re          NG          N           316.3       0.4         10.0        2.0         6.5892              1.8104138449536
	Re          NG          N           390.1       0.4         7.2         1.0         4.744224            1.1103945539532
	Ir          NG          N           294.6       0.0         32.0        4.0         8.6450304           1.8027999863316
	Ir          NG          N           351.4       0.08        87.0        7.0         23.5036764          4.3552277090380
	Ir          NG          N           418.2       0.2         21.0        5.0         5.6733012           1.6496688046614
	Ir          NG          N           449.4       0.2         24.0        4.0         6.4837728           1.5294014421535
	No. (n,g) lines:

The above example uses information from both relational tables to calculate partial γ-ray cross sections for all (n,γ) lines in the database and then counts the number of (n,γ) lines. The sqlite3 engine can also be invoked in batch mode. Thus, we can also run the getNG_data.sql script directly from the command line:

	sqlite3 -header -column atlas_baghdad_py3.db < getNG_data.sql

Shell scripts also provide batch-processing features. A bash script run_sql.sh is provided inside the ~/BaghdadAtlas/sql_codes folder that may be invoked to run the other SQL scripts in the same location. This bash script determines the Python version running locally and the corresponding database to use. The only variable the user needs to adjust is SQL_SCRIPT according to the desired SQL script. By default, this variable is set to:


Using the Jupyter (IPython) Notebook

The Jupyter (IPython) Notebook provides a nice API for the SQLite libraries. To use the notebook provided in this package sql_queries_atlas.ipynb and take advantage of the visualization methods for displaying the data a few additional Python dependencies are required: numpy; sqlite3; matplotlib; seaborn. The notebook is located inside the ~/BaghdadAtlas/notebook_analysis folder and may be launched from this location at the command line using:

	jupyter notebook sql_queries_atlas.ipynb

The notebook will then open inside a web browser and provides a Python-based interface to the SQLite libraries. To execute a cell in a Jupyter Notebook press <SHIFT> + <ENTER> or <CTRL> + <ENTER>. A few examples highlighting methods for interacting with and manipulating the data are given below; the syntax is a combination of Python and SQL.

Example 1: Condition on atomic number

Jupyter Z
Query: Display all information from sample relational table for all entries with atomic number Z < 15.

Example 2: Populate list with conditional data

Jupyter list
Query: Fill list with names of enriched isotopes and count number of enriched isotopes.

Example 3: Write query output to file

Jupyter file
Query: Print γ-ray energy and intensity column data to file for nickel (Z = 28): data_Nickel.dat.

Example 4: Plotting from a database

Jupyter plot method
Visualization of cross section data for natural rhenium using matplotlib, seaborn, and numpy methods. If the cell magic %matplotlib inline is invoked, the resulting plot will also be output to the notebook, as well as generating pdf and png files according to the above method.
Re plot

Absolute partial γ-ray cross sections for natural rhenium (and other elements/isotopes) are determined relative to the 2+1 → 0+gs transition in 56Fe where an assumed cross section, σγ = 329.46 mb, is used for normalization. See here for more details. Note that a γ-ray energy cut of 1000 keV has been imposed on the above plot.

The notebook also provides examples of writing γ-ray energy and cross-section data to file and generating plots with error bars, such as the one shown below for natural Re, for a user-defined nucleus (A, Z, Chem_symb). This provides a convenient means for automating the data of interest and generating presentation-ready plots.

Re plot with errors

Using a GUI

For those who would prefer to interact with the data through a GUI, there are several options. For example, the DB Browser for SQLite and SQLiteStudio are both open source have cross-platform distributions. Another option is the Firefox Add-On, SQLite Manager. A screen shot illustrating the SQLite Manager Add-On connected to the "Baghdad Atlas" database atlas_baghdad_py3.db is shown below.

SQLiteManager GUI
Visualization of the Baghdad Atlas SQL database using SQLite Manager. The first few rows of the sample relational table are shown.