Update April 21, 2020: The latest version of the Baghdad Atlas database can be downloaded here. Earlier versions of the Atlas are also available from the following locations:
capture1 notebook
capture1 solutions notebook
capture2 notebook
capture2 solutions notebook
dicebox (NE201) UPDATE: March 12, 2022
National Nuclear Data Center
Nuclear Science and Security Consortium
The data in the Atlas is valuable for many applications ranging from nuclear nonproliferation, active neutron-interrogation studies and benchmarking nuclear-reaction models in the fast-fission neutron range. However, its use is limited by the fact that the data was only previously available in [out-of-print] book format. To enhance its utility, the data has been compiled into a set of CSV-style ASCII tables and software has been developed to produce a locally-installed SQLite relational database. The complete downloadable package and contains the following components:
- Scripts to compile the data into a SQLite database for both Python 2 and Python 3. The Makefile provided will test for the appropriate version and run with the necessary settings.
- Open-source C code to produce the shared-object dynamic extension-functions library allowing for enhanced functionality in SQL transactions that are not part of the standard SQLite3 library. This library will then provide the user with access to common mathematical functions such as sine, cosine, logarithm, square root etc., as well as string and aggregate methods that can be adopted in SQL queries using the OS libraries or provided definitions. The Makefile will establish the correct OS-kernel name and compile the library accordingly.
- The complete set of CSV-style ASCII data files compiled for 76 different nuclei in the range 3 ≤ Z ≤ 92. This includes data sets from 76 natural samples and 29 isotopically-enriched samples (105 data sets in total).
- A Jupyter Notebook illustrating Python-based methods for interacting with and visualizing the data.
- Several SQL scripts based on standard SQL-transaction methods exemplifying database interaction. The compiled OS-dependent extension-functions library will be initialized as appropriate during the build process.
- A PDF of the ATLAS [1] provided for reference.
- An HTML manual describing the software installation procedure and data-retrieval methods. An overview of the Baghdad Atlas data is also provided in this documentation.
A.M. Demidov, L.I. Govor, Yu.K. Cherepantsev, M.R. Ahmed, S. Al-Najjar, M.A. Al-Amili, N. Al-Assafi, and N. Rammo, "Atlas of Gamma-Ray Spectra from the Inelastic Scattering of Reactor Fast Neutrons", Nuclear Research Institute, Baghdad, Iraq (Moscow, Atomizdat 1978).