The data structure for the (n,n'γ) data [1] is described using two relational tables,
CREATE TABLE nucleus (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , nuc_symbCHAR(5) ,/* Chemical symbol (with mass number for enriched isotopes) of the irradiated sample */ nuc_ZINTEGER ,/* Atomic number of irradiated sample */ energy_gammaFLOAT ,/* Gamma-ray transition energy [keV] */ d_energy_gammaFLOAT ,/* Uncertainty: Gamma-ray transition energy [keV] */ intensity_gammaFLOAT ,/* Gamma-ray transition intensity [RI] */ d_intensity_gammaFLOAT ,/* Uncertainty: Gamma-ray transition intensity [RI] */ transition_typeCHAR(2) ,/* Gamma flag: f (firm); d (doublet); t (tentative); c (calibration); m (multiply placed) */ residualCHAR(16) ,/* Residual-nucleus reaction product; usually the (n,n') compound */ residual_typeCHAR(2) ,/* Residual-nucleus identification flag: f (firm); t (tentative) */ energy_exFLOAT ,/* Excitation energy in compound nucleus [keV] */ ex_typeCHAR(2) ,/* Excitation-energy flag: f (firm); t (tentative); u (unknown) */ sampleCHAR(1) /* Sample flag: E (isotopically enriched); N (natural elemental abundance) */ );CREATE TABLE sample (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , flagCHAR(1) ,/* Meta-data identification flag: X */ elementTEXT ,/* Name of element/enriched isotope */ ZINTEGER ,/* Atomic number of element/enriched isotope */ symbolTEXT ,/* Chemical symbol for element/enriched isotope */ NFLOAT ,/* Normalization factor for determination of absolute partial gamma-ray cross sections */ dNFLOAT ,/* Uncertainty: Cross-section normalization factor */ e_gamma_normFLOAT ,/* Gamma-ray transition energy used for normalization [keV] */ AINTEGER ,/* Atomic mass of enriched isotope (A=0 for natural elemental samples) */ massFLOAT ,/* Mass [g] of irradiated sample */ exposure_timeFLOAT ,/* Measurement period [h] of irradiated sample */ enrichmentFLOAT ,/* Enrichment factor [%] of principal isotope in sample (0 for natural elemental samples) */ sample_compositionTEXT ,/* Chemical composition of irradiated sample */ isotope_normTEXT /* Isotope used for gamma-ray intensity normalization */ );