Postdoctoral Scholar
Joey Gordon started his PhD in Nuclear Engineering at UC Berkeley in Fall 2019, and his research is on neutron inelastic scattering cross sections with the Gamma-Energy Neutron-Energy Spectrometer for Inelastic Scattering (GENESIS). He works on all aspects of GENESIS, including the construction and characterization of the array, the development of a C++/ROOT suite of data processing and analysis software, the development of a GEANT4 simulation and a forward-analysis model, and ultimately the analysis of the Iron-56 experiment.
In 2018, Joey received his B.S. in Nuclear Engineering from UC Berkeley, where he started his research career with Dr. Darren Bleuel and the Bay Area Neutron Group. Two summer internships with the nToF group at the National Ignition Facility allowed Joey to explore his other main research interest, plasma physics and the promise of fusion energy.
Joey is originally from Glenview, Illinois, and when he’s not trying to understand the world of sub-atomic particles, he likes going on runs through the Berkeley Hills, reading history or where in Middle Earth that ring has gone, and watching movies.