Sarah Stevenson

Alumna, PhD 2022

Now at: U.S. Air Force


Low Energy Helium Ion Implantation and Application of a High Energy Ion Implantation Tool to Comprehensively Investigate High Helium Dose Effects


Sarah Stevenson was a PhD student in Peter Hosemann’s Nuclear Materials Group at UC Berkeley. She joined the Bernstein group in 2019 as an inaugural member of the LBNL BRIDGE Fellowship program, and the NSSC as an affiliate in 2020. Sarah developed a novel ion beam degrader to support materials science research at the 88-Inch Cyclotron. The degrader will facilitate uniform helium ion implantation in bulk-scale materials for subsequent mechanical testing. This will help bridge materials testing length scale gaps as the Cyclotron can implant samples at depths beyond what is currently available. Sarah received her M.S. in Nuclear Engineering from UC Berkeley in 2020 and her B.S. in Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering from Kansas State University in 2018. She has worked as an intern at the INL, CEA, SNL, and LBL, was an NRC licensed Senior Reactor Operator, and serves in the US Air Force.