Berkeley Nuclear Data Software
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GammaProductionAna Class Reference

#include <GammaProductionAna.h>

Collaboration diagram for GammaProductionAna:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 GammaProductionAna ()
 default constructor More...
 GammaProductionAna (int a_ZID, int a_AID, string a_talysPath)
void setupTALYSUtils (int a_ZID, int a_AID, string a_talysPath)
 if default constuctor was used, this sets up the TALYS interface More...
void setTalysPath (std::string a_path)
 path to directory where talys will be run More...
TH2F * buildFluxMatrix (std::string a_stofFluxFileName, double a_minEnergy, double a_maxEnergy, double a_flightPath, double a_timeResolution, double a_RFPeriod, double a_timeBinWidth=-1)
void addFluxMatrix (FluxAna a_fluxAna)
void readGammaEffParams (std::string a_effParamFile, std::string a_fitType="Debertin", bool a_readEffCovMat=false)
void readEGammaLevels (std::string a_lvlFile)
void loadExpTOFvsEGamma (vector< std::string > a_expFiles)
void loadExpTOFvsEGamma (std::string a_expFile)
void addTree (std::string a_expTree)
void addTreeBKG (std::string a_expTree)
void buildHists (vector< int > a_cloverList, bool a_saveFile, string a_outFileName)
void buildHistsBKG (vector< int > a_cloverList, bool a_saveFile, string a_outFileName)
void loadExpBKGData (vector< std::string > a_expFile)
 stored in m_tofEgammaBKG More...
void loadExpBKGData (std::string a_expFile)
void setBackgroundScalar (double a_scalar)
 normalization for background subtraction More...
void addEXFORCrossSection (std::string a_fileName, double a_gammaEnergy, bool a_draw=false, std::string a_dataSetName="")
void setVerbosity (int a_verbosity)
void setTotalCharge (double a_charge)
 total charge from BCM [uC] More...
void setTargetRhoR (double a_rhoR)
void setTargetSolidAngle (double a_solidAngle)
 sr More...
void setDetSolidAngle (double a_solidAngle)
void setRFPeriod (double a_RFPeriod)
 [ns] More...
void setTimeResolution (double a_timeResolution)
 sigma [ns] More...
void setFlightPath (double a_flightPath)
 neutron beam flight path [m] More...
vector< double > calcGammaEff (int a_detID, int a_elementID, double a_energy)
vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > getFluxMatrix (double a_minEnergy)
 calculates gamma ray uncertainties More...
vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > getFluxMatrix (double a_gammaEnergy, double a_thresholdAdder)
TALYSUtilsgetTALYSUtils ()
TH2F * getFluxHist ()
PeakInfo getPeakArea (double a_tof, double a_tofWidth, int a_detID, int a_elementID, double a_energy, bool a_draw=0, bool a_fitBkg=1, bool a_drawBkg=0, bool a_saveFit=1)
void setNewPeakFit (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, int a_tof, PeakInfo a_peakInfo)
 replace a peak fit with a new one More...
void writePeakFits (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID)
void readPeakFits (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID)
map< double, std::pair< double, double > > getTotExpYield (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, double a_tofWidth=-1, bool a_draw=true, int a_plotType=0)
Eigen::VectorXf calculateYieldUnc (Eigen::MatrixXf a_fluxUncMat, Eigen::VectorXf a_crossSection)
Eigen::VectorXf calculateYieldUnc (vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > a_fluxMats, Eigen::VectorXf a_crossSectionUnc, Eigen::VectorXf a_crossSection)
Eigen::VectorXf convolveXSec (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, bool a_calcUnc=false, bool a_useEXFOR=false, double a_thresholdAdder=0.)
double plotComp (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, bool a_useEXFOR=false, double a_normalize=1, bool a_drawEnAxis=true, bool a_draw=true)
double plotRatio (double a_energy1, double a_energy2, int a_detID, int a_elementID, bool a_useEXFOR=false, bool a_drawEnAxis=true, bool a_draw=true)
 ratio of gamma 1 over gamma 2 More...
void compDetectorElements (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID1, int a_elementID1, int a_detID2, int a_elementID2)
vector< DataValuePaircalcUnwrappedXSec (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, double a_thresholdAdder=0., double a_normalize=0, bool a_draw=true)
vector< DataValuePaircalcUnwrappedXSec (map< double, std::pair< double, double >> a_expYields, double a_gammaEnergy, double a_threshold, bool a_normalize=0, bool a_draw=true)
vector< DataValuePaircalcUnwrappedXSec (string a_expYields, double a_gammaEnergy, double a_threshold, bool a_normalize=0, bool a_draw=true)
void testUnwrapping (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID)
void noExpUnwrapTest (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID=0, int a_elementID=2, double a_alpha=1.)
void plotSVD ()
 plot the flux matrix reconstructed from its SVD More...
double testForwardModel (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, double a_smoothness=1.e-2, bool a_draw=true, bool a_useEXFOR=false)
double forwardModelFit (const double *a_params)
 fit function for above More...
void setupTALYSParams (std::string a_paramFile)
void talysForwardModel (vector< double > a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID, bool a_scale=false, bool a_runECIS=true)
 Chi-2 minimization on a set of TALYS parameters. More...
double talysModelFit (const double *a_params)
vector< std::pair< double, double > > scanTALYSParameter (int a_parameterNum, vector< double > a_gammaEnergy, bool a_runECIS=true, int a_detID=1, int a_elementID=2)
vector< std::pair< double, double > > scanTALYSParameter (std::string a_paramName, vector< double > a_gammaEnergy, bool a_runECIS=true, int a_detID=1, int a_elementID=2)
void setSaveTALYSFits (bool a_saveFits)
 save plots of GENESIS data vs TALYS generated by minimizer More...
vector< double > getEnergySpecLowerBinEdges ()
 returns m_energ0BinEdges More...
Eigen::VectorXf getEXFORCrossSection (double a_gammaEnergy, bool a_calcUnc=false, double a_thresholdAdder=0)
void writeNonWrappedXSec (double a_gammaE, int a_detID, int a_elemID)
map< int, PeakInfogetPeakFits (double a_gammaE, int a_detID, int a_elemID)
vector< double > calcNonWrappedEners (vector< double > a_cumulativeCounts, vector< double > a_eners)
vector< double > getEnergyPoints (double a_gammaEnergy, int a_coinGammaID=0)
int setupTALYSMinimizer (vector< double > a_gammaEnergy, int a_detID, int a_elementID)

Public Attributes

SpectrumAnalysis m_specAna
 refit peaks from getPeakArea More...
TH1F * m_lastHist
std::map< string, int > m_talysParams
map< int, map< int, TH2F * > > m_tofEgamma
bool m_saveFits
bool m_ratio
vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > m_currFluxMat
vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > m_currFluxUncMat
vector< Eigen::VectorXf > m_currData
vector< Eigen::VectorXf > m_currDataUnc
std::pair< int,int > m_currDetElemID
vector< double > m_tempGammaEnergy
ROOT::Math::Minimizer * m_minimum
double m_smoothness
TChain * m_trees
std::vector< string > m_loadedTrees
bool m_hasFile
TChain * m_treesBKG
std::vector< string > m_loadedTreesBKG
bool m_hasFileBKG

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GammaProductionAna() [1/2]

GammaProductionAna::GammaProductionAna ( )

default constructor

◆ GammaProductionAna() [2/2]

GammaProductionAna::GammaProductionAna ( int  a_ZID,
int  a_AID,
string  a_talysPath 

constructor with isotope information for TALYS interfacing e.g. GammaProductionAna a1(26,56,"talysOutput/") for Fe-56 data with TALYS to be run in the directory called "talysOutput"

Member Function Documentation

◆ addEXFORCrossSection()

void GammaProductionAna::addEXFORCrossSection ( std::string  a_fileName,
double  a_gammaEnergy,
bool  a_draw = false,
std::string  a_dataSetName = "" 

load in previously measured cross sections from e.g. EXFOR format EN-MIN|EN-MAX|TOF-MIN|TOF-MAX|DATA|ERR, space delimited energy in keV, data in barns puts cross-section into energy binning defined by buildFluxMatrix, stores in m_exforData EN-MIN < EN-MAX

◆ addFluxMatrix()

void GammaProductionAna::addFluxMatrix ( FluxAna  a_fluxAna)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addTree()

void GammaProductionAna::addTree ( std::string  a_expTree)

◆ addTreeBKG()

void GammaProductionAna::addTreeBKG ( std::string  a_expTree)

◆ buildFluxMatrix()

TH2F * GammaProductionAna::buildFluxMatrix ( std::string  a_stofFluxFileName,
double  a_minEnergy,
double  a_maxEnergy,
double  a_flightPath,
double  a_timeResolution,
double  a_RFPeriod,
double  a_timeBinWidth = -1 

analytical generation of flux matrix from an sTOF file file structure: CSV-style: lower bin energy [MeV] | flux [n/sr/uC/MeV] | flux uncertainty last row: upper bin energy of last bin | 0 | 0 returns/stores 2D-histogram of flux matrix sets m_timeResolution = a_timeResolution sets m_RFPeriod = a_RFPeriod sets m_flightPath = a_flightPath to use FluxMatrixAna, set a_timeBinWidth to the width of your TOF bins



Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ buildHists()

void GammaProductionAna::buildHists ( vector< int >  a_cloverList,
bool  a_saveFile,
string  a_outFileName 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ buildHistsBKG()

void GammaProductionAna::buildHistsBKG ( vector< int >  a_cloverList,
bool  a_saveFile,
string  a_outFileName 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ calcGammaEff()

vector< double > GammaProductionAna::calcGammaEff ( int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
double  a_energy 

calculates gamma ray efficiency elem[0] = efficiency elem[1] = uncertainty (default = 0)

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calcNonWrappedEners()

vector< double > GammaProductionAna::calcNonWrappedEners ( vector< double >  a_cumulativeCounts,
vector< double >  a_eners 

◆ calculateYieldUnc() [1/2]

Eigen::VectorXf GammaProductionAna::calculateYieldUnc ( Eigen::MatrixXf  a_fluxUncMat,
Eigen::VectorXf  a_crossSection 

uses a matrix of flux uncertainties to estimate uncertainties in yield calculated from EXFOR/TALYS

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateYieldUnc() [2/2]

Eigen::VectorXf GammaProductionAna::calculateYieldUnc ( vector< Eigen::MatrixXf >  a_fluxMats,
Eigen::VectorXf  a_crossSectionUnc,
Eigen::VectorXf  a_crossSection 

◆ calcUnwrappedXSec() [1/3]

vector< DataValuePair > GammaProductionAna::calcUnwrappedXSec ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
double  a_thresholdAdder = 0.,
double  a_normalize = 0,
bool  a_draw = true 

given a minimum neutron energy, finds TOF bins where amount of overlap < 5% i.e. one wrap contributes >=95% neutrons in that TOF bin and calculates cross section for those bins minimum neutron energy = reaction threshold + a_thresholdAdder i.e. reaction threshold = 1 MeV, thresholdAddder = 1 MeV minimum incident neutron energy = 2 MeV looks for reaction threshold in m_eGammaLevels - if not present then minimum incident neutron energy = a_thresholdAdder if a_draw=false, doesn't look for TALYS and EXFOR data to plot

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calcUnwrappedXSec() [2/3]

vector<DataValuePair> GammaProductionAna::calcUnwrappedXSec ( map< double, std::pair< double, double >>  a_expYields,
double  a_gammaEnergy,
double  a_threshold,
bool  a_normalize = 0,
bool  a_draw = true 

same as above but takes in external gamma-ray production data instead of pulling from internal data data should be corrected for gamma efficiency, current, solid angle, areal density threshold is abosolute threshold (i.e. reaction threshold + additional) if a_draw=false, doesn't look for TALYS and EXFOR data to plot

◆ calcUnwrappedXSec() [3/3]

vector< DataValuePair > GammaProductionAna::calcUnwrappedXSec ( string  a_expYields,
double  a_gammaEnergy,
double  a_threshold,
bool  a_normalize = 0,
bool  a_draw = true 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ compDetectorElements()

void GammaProductionAna::compDetectorElements ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID1,
int  a_elementID1,
int  a_detID2,
int  a_elementID2 

ratio of one detector element to another needs detector efficiency, m_timeResolution

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ convolveXSec()

Eigen::VectorXf GammaProductionAna::convolveXSec ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
bool  a_calcUnc = false,
bool  a_useEXFOR = false,
double  a_thresholdAdder = 0. 

uses STOF matrix and TALYS cross section to predict yield vs. time since last rf threshold adder is added to reaction threshold i.e. if threshold adder = 1 [MeV] and reaction threshold is at 2 MeV, the lowest energy neutron included will be 3 MeV

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ forwardModelFit()

double GammaProductionAna::forwardModelFit ( const double *  a_params)

fit function for above

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEnergyPoints()

vector< double > GammaProductionAna::getEnergyPoints ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_coinGammaID = 0 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEnergySpecLowerBinEdges()

vector< double > GammaProductionAna::getEnergySpecLowerBinEdges ( )

returns m_energ0BinEdges

◆ getEXFORCrossSection()

Eigen::VectorXf GammaProductionAna::getEXFORCrossSection ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
bool  a_calcUnc = false,
double  a_thresholdAdder = 0 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFluxHist()

TH2F * GammaProductionAna::getFluxHist ( )

◆ getFluxMatrix() [1/2]

vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > GammaProductionAna::getFluxMatrix ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
double  a_thresholdAdder 

returns flux matrix beginning at threshold for reaction producing a_gammaEnergy gamma ray + a_threshold adder

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getFluxMatrix() [2/2]

vector< Eigen::MatrixXf > GammaProductionAna::getFluxMatrix ( double  a_minEnergy)

calculates gamma ray uncertainties

returns flux matrix beginning at a_minEnergy [MeV]

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPeakArea()

PeakInfo GammaProductionAna::getPeakArea ( double  a_tof,
double  a_tofWidth,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
double  a_energy,
bool  a_draw = 0,
bool  a_fitBkg = 1,
bool  a_drawBkg = 0,
bool  a_saveFit = 1 

calculates photo-peak area at given time since last rf + tof width fits gaussian, can draw fit stores fit in m_peakFits a_drawBkg draws the un-background subtracted and background spectra together assigns histogram that was fit to m_lastHist

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPeakFits()

map< int, PeakInfo > GammaProductionAna::getPeakFits ( double  a_gammaE,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elemID 

◆ getTALYSUtils()

TALYSUtils * GammaProductionAna::getTALYSUtils ( )
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTotExpYield()

map< double, std::pair< double, double > > GammaProductionAna::getTotExpYield ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
double  a_tofWidth = -1,
bool  a_draw = true,
int  a_plotType = 0 

goes through whole cyclotron period and gets gamma-ray yield vs. time since last rf outputs map of TOF:{yield, unc. on yield} uses fit in m_peakFits if available if a_tofWidth<0, sets automatically to a_tofWidth = m_timeResolution

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadExpBKGData() [1/2]

void GammaProductionAna::loadExpBKGData ( std::string  a_expFile)

◆ loadExpBKGData() [2/2]

void GammaProductionAna::loadExpBKGData ( vector< std::string >  a_expFile)

stored in m_tofEgammaBKG

◆ loadExpTOFvsEGamma() [1/2]

void GammaProductionAna::loadExpTOFvsEGamma ( std::string  a_expFile)

◆ loadExpTOFvsEGamma() [2/2]

void GammaProductionAna::loadExpTOFvsEGamma ( vector< std::string >  a_expFiles)

output from GenesisAnalysis::buildTOFHists() add multiple files together stored in m_tofEgamma, m_tofEgamma0

◆ noExpUnwrapTest()

void GammaProductionAna::noExpUnwrapTest ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID = 0,
int  a_elementID = 2,
double  a_alpha = 1. 

same as above but without GENESIS data - really to test the method

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ plotComp()

double GammaProductionAna::plotComp ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
bool  a_useEXFOR = false,
double  a_normalize = 1,
bool  a_drawEnAxis = true,
bool  a_draw = true 

plots observed vs calculated yield vs. time since last rf set a_normalize = -1 to normalize curves to area otherwise TALYS/exfor cross sections are scaled by a_normalize value

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ plotRatio()

double GammaProductionAna::plotRatio ( double  a_energy1,
double  a_energy2,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
bool  a_useEXFOR = false,
bool  a_drawEnAxis = true,
bool  a_draw = true 

ratio of gamma 1 over gamma 2

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ plotSVD()

void GammaProductionAna::plotSVD ( )

plot the flux matrix reconstructed from its SVD

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ readEGammaLevels()

void GammaProductionAna::readEGammaLevels ( std::string  a_lvlFile)

talys gamma-ray production files indexed by initial level -> final reads in space-separated table: energy | initial level (e.g. 01) | final (e.g. 00) | energy threshold [MeV] stores in m_eGammaLevels

◆ readGammaEffParams()

void GammaProductionAna::readGammaEffParams ( std::string  a_effParamFile,
std::string  a_fitType = "Debertin",
bool  a_readEffCovMat = false 

reads in space delimited file: cl ID | leaf id | p0 | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 for debertin fit function [see z. kis NIMA (1998)] stores in m_effParams For Lin fit (300-9700 keV), the file needs one more column for the 6th param: cl ID | leaf id | p0 | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4 |p5

◆ readPeakFits()

void GammaProductionAna::readPeakFits ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID 

◆ scanTALYSParameter() [1/2]

vector< std::pair< double, double > > GammaProductionAna::scanTALYSParameter ( int  a_parameterNum,
vector< double >  a_gammaEnergy,
bool  a_runECIS = true,
int  a_detID = 1,
int  a_elementID = 2 

scans a single parameter while keeping all other constant produces plot of chi2 vs parameter

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ scanTALYSParameter() [2/2]

vector< std::pair< double, double > > GammaProductionAna::scanTALYSParameter ( std::string  a_paramName,
vector< double >  a_gammaEnergy,
bool  a_runECIS = true,
int  a_detID = 1,
int  a_elementID = 2 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setBackgroundScalar()

void GammaProductionAna::setBackgroundScalar ( double  a_scalar)

normalization for background subtraction

◆ setDetSolidAngle()

void GammaProductionAna::setDetSolidAngle ( double  a_solidAngle)

◆ setFlightPath()

void GammaProductionAna::setFlightPath ( double  a_flightPath)

neutron beam flight path [m]

◆ setNewPeakFit()

void GammaProductionAna::setNewPeakFit ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
int  a_tof,
PeakInfo  a_peakInfo 

replace a peak fit with a new one

◆ setRFPeriod()

void GammaProductionAna::setRFPeriod ( double  a_RFPeriod)


◆ setSaveTALYSFits()

void GammaProductionAna::setSaveTALYSFits ( bool  a_saveFits)

save plots of GENESIS data vs TALYS generated by minimizer

◆ setTalysPath()

void GammaProductionAna::setTalysPath ( std::string  a_path)

path to directory where talys will be run

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setTargetRhoR()

void GammaProductionAna::setTargetRhoR ( double  a_rhoR)

/ cm2

◆ setTargetSolidAngle()

void GammaProductionAna::setTargetSolidAngle ( double  a_solidAngle)


◆ setTimeResolution()

void GammaProductionAna::setTimeResolution ( double  a_timeResolution)

sigma [ns]

◆ setTotalCharge()

void GammaProductionAna::setTotalCharge ( double  a_charge)

total charge from BCM [uC]

◆ setupTALYSMinimizer()

int GammaProductionAna::setupTALYSMinimizer ( vector< double >  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupTALYSParams()

void GammaProductionAna::setupTALYSParams ( std::string  a_paramFile)

passes json file name to m_talysUtil to setup parameters for minimization

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setupTALYSUtils()

void GammaProductionAna::setupTALYSUtils ( int  a_ZID,
int  a_AID,
string  a_talysPath 

if default constuctor was used, this sets up the TALYS interface

◆ setVerbosity()

void GammaProductionAna::setVerbosity ( int  a_verbosity)

set print level for all functions 0 - no printing 1 - some (default) 2 - a lot

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ talysForwardModel()

void GammaProductionAna::talysForwardModel ( vector< double >  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
bool  a_scale = false,
bool  a_runECIS = true 

Chi-2 minimization on a set of TALYS parameters.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ talysModelFit()

double GammaProductionAna::talysModelFit ( const double *  a_params)


Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ testForwardModel()

double GammaProductionAna::testForwardModel ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID,
double  a_smoothness = 1.e-2,
bool  a_draw = true,
bool  a_useEXFOR = false 

attempt to extract cross section from GENESIS data by Chi-2 minimization on the cross section i.e. directly fitting the cross section at each energy

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ testUnwrapping()

void GammaProductionAna::testUnwrapping ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID 

attempt to extract cross-section via pseudo-inversion of flux matrix plots cross section from GENESIS data, TALYS cross-section that has been wrapped then unwrapped, and raw TALYS cross-section

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writeNonWrappedXSec()

void GammaProductionAna::writeNonWrappedXSec ( double  a_gammaE,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elemID 
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ writePeakFits()

void GammaProductionAna::writePeakFits ( double  a_gammaEnergy,
int  a_detID,
int  a_elementID 

write m_peakFits to a file energy, clover id, leaf id, tof, peakFit

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_currData

vector<Eigen::VectorXf> GammaProductionAna::m_currData

◆ m_currDataUnc

vector<Eigen::VectorXf> GammaProductionAna::m_currDataUnc

◆ m_currDetElemID

std::pair<int ,int> GammaProductionAna::m_currDetElemID

◆ m_currentEvent

NSDPhysicsEvents::CloverEvent* GammaProductionAna::m_currentEvent

◆ m_currentEventBKG

NSDPhysicsEvents::CloverEvent* GammaProductionAna::m_currentEventBKG

◆ m_currFluxMat

vector<Eigen::MatrixXf> GammaProductionAna::m_currFluxMat

◆ m_currFluxUncMat

vector<Eigen::MatrixXf> GammaProductionAna::m_currFluxUncMat

◆ m_hasFile

bool GammaProductionAna::m_hasFile

◆ m_hasFileBKG

bool GammaProductionAna::m_hasFileBKG

◆ m_lastHist

TH1F* GammaProductionAna::m_lastHist

◆ m_loadedTrees

std::vector<string> GammaProductionAna::m_loadedTrees

◆ m_loadedTreesBKG

std::vector<string> GammaProductionAna::m_loadedTreesBKG

◆ m_minimum

ROOT::Math::Minimizer* GammaProductionAna::m_minimum

◆ m_ratio

bool GammaProductionAna::m_ratio

◆ m_saveFits

bool GammaProductionAna::m_saveFits

◆ m_smoothness

double GammaProductionAna::m_smoothness

◆ m_specAna

SpectrumAnalysis GammaProductionAna::m_specAna

refit peaks from getPeakArea

◆ m_talysParams

std::map<string, int> GammaProductionAna::m_talysParams

◆ m_tempGammaEnergy

vector<double> GammaProductionAna::m_tempGammaEnergy

◆ m_tofEgamma

map<int,map<int,TH2F*> > GammaProductionAna::m_tofEgamma

◆ m_trees

TChain* GammaProductionAna::m_trees

◆ m_treesBKG

TChain* GammaProductionAna::m_treesBKG

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: