Andrew Voyles

Research Scientist

Personal Website


Dr. Andrew Voyles is an Assistant Research Engineer in the Nuclear Engineering Department at UC Berkeley, and leads the Isotope Production Group at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's 88-Inch Cyclotron. This work focuses on the production of novel isotopes for medical applications, developing new production methods for existing isotopes, and refining the predictive models at the intersection of isotope production and low-energy nuclear physics.

He received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Utah in 2013 where he worked as an outreach mentor to schools throughout the state of Utah, advocating for careers in science and engineering to historically underrepresented groups of students. He went on to the University of California, Berkeley to earn his Ph.D. in 2018 in Nuclear Engineering. Throughout his career, Dr. Voyles has been passionately engaged in experimental nuclear science, educational outreach, effective science outreach and communication to the public.

I do my best to make a healthy balance of fun with my work, which revolves around things like travel (Norway is hands-down my favorite place on Earth to visit), cooking (because food chemistry is 50% science and 100% magic), brewing (beer, mead, cider, and other exotic beverages), exercise (sailing, biking, skiing, fencing, etc.), curling up with a good book, and generally enjoying adventures in the Bay Area.


A complete publication list is available at the following link:, or at Google Scholar.